Category Uncategorized

Google Docs – The Basics

Here’s a video I shared with one of my classes on Google Docs. Essentially going over some of the basic editing option of a Google Doc. Most children are already comfortable with Microsoft Word, but It was clearly a good…

Learn Python with CodeCombat

After hearing about CodeCombat on a weekly get together named ‘Thirsty Thursdays’ on Hangouts I was interested, better yet, more than interested!Time to explore…With a healthy dose of skepticism and critique ready to be shared I signed up, and that’s…

Website Review – Online Safety

Another great website we should all know about! ThinkBeforeYouLink provides students, teachers and parent with free lessons and materials about online safety. I highly recommend looking into using this site in class as it provides children with a fun and interactive way to test…

Website Review –

I have recently discovered an original news website and have fallen in love with it. Not only is it a great resource to find Current Articles from around the word, you can use in class. It has been specifically designed for students and schools.…