Of course it is important to teach our students everyday how to stay safe online, and in an ever growing Digitalised world this is even more important! Everyday our students are exposed to content, websites, music and videos online and offline. How they handle all this information is going to determine what they do with it and if they are ‘safe’ online. And that’s were we as educators come in. A day like the ‘Internet Safety Day’ is a great way of promoting Internet safety in your school.
As we now have more schools teaching 21st Century skills and Digital Citizenship, the amount of online resources has exploded. However, for a lot of teachers the question remains; Where are these resources?
Here is a small list with some of my favourite resources you can use for your Internet Safety day (Maybe your school wants to turn this day into an Internet Safety Week?)
- First we have the Twinkle website http://www.twinkl.co.uk/resources/internet-safety/1
On the Twinkle website you will find PowerPoint Presentations, Posters, Activity sheets, Resource Packs and much more.
- Another good resource is the think before you click website. Here is a Link to my previous Blog post all about this website: http://flippedclassroomtutorials.blogspot.com/2014/11/website-review-online-safety.html
Also, if you have older students (and/or Parents), here is an interesting thought provoking video you can watch or share with them:
- The official Safer Internet Day Website can be found here: http://www.saferinternet.org/safer-internet-day-2015
- Another useful Website is CyberSmart: https://www.cybersmart.gov.au/sid2014.aspx
If you work with younger children then you should definitely have a look at the following website: http://www.cybersmart.gov.au/young%20kids/visit-hectors-world.aspx
I hope these resources will help you in your quest to provide your students with correct and helpful information. Have fun tomorrow, and enjoy Safer Internet Day 2015!