The Road to becoming Google Certified part 2

Ok, we are now three exams further and I think it’s time for an update.
So far I’ve managed to pass all three exams and it has been a very interesting experience. It has been an exhilarating ride so far and I must admit that I have learned some things I didn’t even knew existed. 

The first Exam I took was Gmail; and if you are still thinking of going in with little or no preparation, think again. Man I was shocked at how fast my time went past. I didn’t even get to answer my last four questions. Good thing the others were answered correctly or I would have had to retake the GMail exam. Never mind I passed and learned a valuable lesson, Do not work too slow! haha

The next exam went a lot better. Google Drive; This time round I had a good 45 minutes left and I must say the questions were really good and useful ones. Not just questions for the sake of asking them, but definitely things you should know about if you are thinking of using drive.
Now I did have a lot of experience using Google drive, but if you don’t, Start using it now. Before even considering taking the Exam. Trust me, it will help you a lot!

The third exam was today; Google Calendar. One of the exams I am/was a bit worried about. See, I do use the calendar but… in class? Nope, not really. The exam went great and I was left with 35 min to carefully review all my answers.

So what is my feeling about this course, what can I tell you, the person who might be considering taking this course?

One thing – Do it!

Even when you use Google Apps for Education on a daily basis, there are always new things to learn. I have thoroughly enjoyed these first three tests and am now anxiously awaiting the next one which will be the ‘Big Bad’ Google Sites.

I have even put the next two exams onto my ‘Google Calendar’, if that isn’t called progress!

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