Google Docs – The Basics

Here’s a video I shared with one of my classes on Google Docs. Essentially going over some of the basic editing option of a Google Doc.

Most children are already comfortable with Microsoft Word, but It was clearly a good idea to spend a full lesson going over the basics. The slightly different look can confuse some of your students and before introducing the ‘Share’ and ‘Collaborate’ functions, we should make sure all pupils understand about ‘styling and editing’.

Some of the topics discussed in this video are:
  • Font Styles
  • Editing and updating Font Styles
  • Font (Font face, Colour, Highlight, Size)
  • Insert Image
  • Image Search (Define Colour of searched image)
  • Text/Image Alignment
Another important function of GAFE worth mentioning to your students is the continuous auto save, as at the end of the lesson a handful of my students were looking for the ‘save as’ button. Another reason why Google is such a wonderful tool!

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