Category Uncategorized

Safer Internet Day 2017

It’s that time of the year again! Safer Internet Day 2017.As every year, many classes and schools will be putting on activities for this day and forget all about Internet Safety tomorrow. A missed chance. I am convinced that it…

Merry Christmas Everyone!!

We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Thank you for your support in 2016, it has been a great year in terms of sharing information and learning new things. We would love for you to…

Anti-Bullying Week 2016 and ESafety

This upcoming week is National Anti-Bullying Week in the UK.This initiative runs from 14th-18th Nov 2016 and this years theme is : ‘Power For Good’ As a website primarily focused on Education and in particular Educational Technology, it is only natural for me…

Teach Computing to your class today!

As the world moves forward, thankfully many schools are now embracing a shift in the teaching of ICT and shifting their attention to Computational Thinking and Computing lessons, students are preparing themselves for the future! However, often the Computer Science…