We’ve all received email that looked dull, plain or even Unprofessional. Not only does it reflect a lack of technical know-how or the motivation to create a unique email identity it also isn’t very appealing to read.
The main reason you should consider getting a professional signature is to further develop your own personal branding.
People will link the signature to a style, it encourages reader responses and overall is a great eye-catcher for your audience, parents, students and/or colleagues.
But how do you go about creating such a signature?
Well, there are a growing number of different services out there that will provide you with easy to use templates and signatures. But it could be as easy as going into the settings and adding a personalized signature containing information relevant to the reader such as Social Media profiles, website and/or position.
For Teachers this could be:
First Name, Last Name
School Name, Position or Class

School Address and/or website (Note: Only if it’s relevant)
I can not begin to count the number of time I’ve receive an email which says ‘Sent from my iPhone’ at the end of the message.
It is important to remember that a Good email Signature need to be both Attractive AND Informative.
The way most professional Signatures are created is by using Html and in particular tables within Html. Don’t worry. If you do not know html I will link to some all in one services below that will allow you to create these signature with simple drag-and-drop interfaces or menu’s.
In the embedded video I walk you through one such service and show you how easy it is to create a signature that is both visually appealing and easy to use or implement.
The service I used in the video is called NewOldStamp and has both a Premium offering AND a FREE option available.
Some other ways you could go about creating a signature is finding a responsive html signature(Very Basic Understanding of Html needed) such as here: Link and change the html were appropriate!
My personal favourite, as you might have guessed from using it in the video, is NewOldStamp as it is easy to use and user friendly, it allows you to change and adapt the signature with just a few clicks.
I’ve contacted NewOldStamp with the request for some special benefits for you as a member of our EduFlip.net Community and if you choose to use their Premium service, you can now get a 20% DISCOUNT by using the following link and entering the COUPON code: EDUFLIP
Link to NewOldStamp
good post!!!
Last month I tried this service and I can say that it is really good email signature generator. With easy to use tools in editor, I create a cool signature for сollege.