Updates for EduFlip.net in Q1 of 2017

First of all I would like to say that January 2017 has been an amazing and busy month. Not only has my family welcomed our second son into the family, we are now also more committed to a regular posting schedule for both this website/blog and the YouTube channel known as ‘Flipped Classroom Tutorials’.

The first big change for our Channel if that after two years of posting tutorials under a custom URL which was in all honesty, a leftover custom name I claimed a long time ago, we are now posting under our new channel URL.

Doesn’t this look better! I know, a lot of people will tell you that it’s not possible to change your custom URL, heck, even YouTube says the following on their support page: 

However, as I am a firm believer in perseverance and learning new things along the way, we have been able to change our URL for a second time. Mind you, this will be the final time and we are very excited about being able to use /FlippedClassroomTutorials.

A second update is that we will start experimenting this year with some different formats of content delivery. Alongside more Screen-cast styled tutorials, we are looking into having some small scale webinars and long-format training sessions to upload to the Channel. These will be both live and pre -recorded, depending on the topic at hand. Do use the comment section on YouTube and/or here to let us know which training you would like to see going online.

The first one planned is titled ‘Google Docs Mastery: Design is possible!’

Of course, as all things progress, EduFlip.net will remain a central hub to share these developments, extra tips, presentations and more!

Make sure that you bookmark our website and return frequently, to ensure you are not missing out on some of the resources and deals posted.

I’m excited about what the first Quarter of 2017 has in store for us and I look forward to hearing your feedback.

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