Create Google Meet breakout rooms in advance

If you want to create your Google Meet breakout rooms in advance there is a way to get this set up in no time!

Important! Breakout rooms in Google Meet are part for the Google Workspace for Education Teaching and learning upgrade, as well as Plus. For more information about these different editions of Google Workspace for education and some links to the pricing you can read my previous update blog post.

That being said, the upgrade is well worth it! Breakout room are incredibly helpful during lessons to support your students, enable differentiation, group work, brainstorming, pacing, additional context, extension activities and more!

Using breakout rooms in Google Meet

Starting breakout rooms is as easy as opening up your Meet and selecting the activities tab.

Activities in Google Meet

Next, select breakout room and set up the number of rooms, assign students and add a timer if wanted.

Create your breakout rooms during the Meeting
Set up the rooms in Google Meet
Add students to rooms, add timers and shuffle the order.

The only cumbersome thing here, is that this all takes time, and if you want to have a fast paced lesson, setting up the breakout room ahead of time can be incredibly useful. In comes, Google Calendar.

Schedule your breakout room ahead of time

Google Calendar already enables us to create Google Meet breakout rooms in advance when we schedule a Meet. Create a new Event, select the date and time, and add Video conferencing to automatically create a Meet link for this event.

You can use this Event details page to set up your Breakout rooms ahead of time!

Click on the Video conferencing settings icon.

Find the Video conference settings in Google Calendar

Here you can adjust the host settings for added security and ADD breakout rooms. Once set up, the breakout rooms will be available in your Meeting and you can open and close these as you would when using the manual setup.

Create Google Meet breakout rooms in advance
Create Google Meet breakout rooms in advance

See these steps in Video format:

Or learn more about Breakout rooms in this video below:

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