Edmodo as PLN/PLC

After our recent successful GEG West Bangkok Event I thought it would be good if I shared a little bit more about one of our sessions. In particular Edmodo.

What is Edmodo? 

If you do not yet know or use Edmodo, I highly recommend it. Edmodo is a VLE(Virtual Learning Environment), but can also be used as a stand alone PLN/PLC (Personal Learning Network/Professional Learning Community)

If you are looking to use Edmodo as a PLN/PLC you are going to want to sign up to the various communities and teacher created groups available on Edmodo.
These communities can be found on the left hand side of your screen and the teacher created groups by following this link: http://bit.ly/1GFIIii

My school has been using Edmodo for a number of years with our Primary students and it has proven to be a very powerful tool. The students use it for communication, discussions, quizzes, resource sharing and it functions as a direct line of communication with the class teacher. All these things are making our classroom more and more paperless and add to a more open culture in which we want our students to share and discuss their learning.

Edmodo has been described as a ‘Facebook for Schools’ because of it’s similar interface and ease of use. The communication however is secure and the school or class teacher has full control over all files and messages being posted. 

Not only does this make is a powerful VLE but it is also a great tool to teach about Social Networks and integrate Digital Citizenship into your lessons.


Spotlight(Sharing of resources)

As an Edmodo Luminary and Ambassador I have also been using one of their newest features during my daily planning called ‘Spotlight’. This ‘Spotlight’ is an online bank where teachers and educators alike share and exchange resources with each other. These can then be downloaded and rated to ensure high quality content. Once you are on Edmodo I would highly recommend exploring the ‘Spotlight’ and yes, I would love for everyone to share some resources on there.

Find the Edmodo Spotlight here: spotlight.edmodo.com

I am currently undergoing extra training to become an Edmodo Certified Trainer and am looking forward to hearing all about what your experiences have been with Edmodo, both as a VLE or PLN/PLC.

One comment

  1. The article is an inspiring read for educators seeking innovative ways to enhance their professional growth and expand their networks. It showcases the transformative potential of technology in education, emphasizing the power of collaboration and the positive impact it can have on teaching practices and student outcomes.

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