Save time marking and grading work by using Rubrics in Google Classroom

Saving time is something we as teachers are always trying to do. Not because we don’t enjoy planning, teaching, or marking the work, but simply because it gives us more time to create amazing learning experiences for our students by using that time otherwise spent doing admin tasks, can now be invested into creating lessons, making lesson materials and exploring new ideas we can use in the class.

Here is a time saver for the Classroom users amongst us. Rubrics! They save you time marking or gradingthe work but they do a lot mor ethan just that!

They will enable your students to see what you are looking for in the work. It also helps your students to see how you grade work and adds to the feeling of equality and honesty in the classroom.

For the full step by step overview on how to start using Rubrics in Google classroom, watch the full video here:

To save even more time working with Google Classroom, check out my blog post on using Comment bank and leaving feedback faster and smarter.

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