Create your BEST Interactive Presentation UPDATED Video!

About two years ago I made a tutorial video on turning your average Google Slideshow into an interactive presentation as a great tool for teaching. However, the Audio quality was below the standard I wanted and the pace could be better. All of this prompted me to re record this tutorial and update it for the year 2017.

In the video below you can find an updated and improved video outlining the step you need to take in order for a slideshow to become an interactive tool for teaching.

I use a range of different functions but the main functionality utilized for this to work is the ‘polyline or shape‘ tool in combination with the ‘hyperlink‘ functions.

If you found this video helpful, don”t forget to share it with friends and/or staff/teachers who might find it helpful and leave a comment on the video! I always read ALL comments and any feedback is appreciated and welcomed. I’m always looking to improve my videos and would love to hear what you would like to learn.

You can find many more tutorials and trick on various educational technology on this website so feel free to explore. 

If you are a frequent presenter you might want to have a look at some of these presenter clickers(Both great options for professional presenters):

Amazon Basics Wireless PResenter:
Logitech wireless presenter with laser pointer:

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