How to effectively Flip your classroom today!

Flipped Classroom‘, ‘Blended learning‘ and ‘Student engagement‘ are just some of the Keywords that have been flying around. Many more educators are now embracing these forms of lesson design and plan accordingly, but we are still seeing a technological gap.

Not everyone finds every aspect of flipping a lesson easy or user friendly. There are literally thousands of edtech tools and many are complex and/or useless when we talk about using them to flip the teaching.

Flipping the classroom or a blended learning model is at the most basic level switching the instructions previously given in class to home via online tools(Such as video and research tools) leaving more time in class to dive into the understanding and application of the learned concepts.

Many countries and their respective curriculum are switching to ‘deepening’ the understanding of concepts and talk about ‘mastery’. A Blended model allows the teacher to do just this as differentiation is made easier and students come to class, ready with questions to extend their learning.

Sound great! Where do I start?

Well, if you are looking for an ALL-IN-ONE Solution, I would suggest looking into Flipasaurus. The video below will outline all its key features and show you how you can use this in your class today!

Some key Features you can use within Flipasaurus are:

– Uploading Private Content

– Upload Public Content
– Set Expiration Dates to content
– Check Views
– Link outside of the platform
– Easily create QR-Codes
– Create and Host Podcasts
– Embed the content onto Virtual Learning Environments
– Free and Advertisement free!

Let me know what your thoughts are on this powerful platform to ‘flip’ your classroom and introducing a ‘flipped’ or ‘blended’ model.
Are you ready to try this? What are the key benefits of using a blended model? What is stopping you from trying it? What do you see as the main hurdles to overcome when introducing this model?

If you would like to learn more about this form of teaching and implementing it into your class you can check out Flip Your Classroom: Reach Every Student in Every Class Every Day by the International Society for Technology in Education or their most recent publication: . Flipped Learning for Elementary Instruction

Also check out the many great resources on the following website:

And never forget!
Creativity is intelligence having fun. — Albert Einstein

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